My goals are constantly contracting and expanding, changing and morphing into new branches of each other. I have attempted to wrangle a couple down to be on this portfolio and represent me!
Short Term
In the next year, my goals are to finish my PhD research, write my dissertation by 8/23, and publish 3 papers while completing my Dietetic internship. After completing the DI, I plan to apply to jobs in government, a post-doc position, or positions in probiotic industrial research. Passing the RD exam will allow me to explore my options.
Long Term Goals
In the big picture, I want to become an expert in probiotics and be a resource to others in communicating the science. After working in industry or government for several years, I would like to petition for kefir to have a Standard of Identity with the FDA, start my own company using my experience in dairy products, and become more involved in influencing nutrition policy.